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The Twentieth Mental Measurements Yearbook

The Twentieth Mental Measurements Yearbook

Carlson, Janet F. / Geisinger, Kurt F. / Jonson, Jessica L.

ISBN papier: 9780910674669
Parution : 2017
Code produit : 1345448
Catégorisation : Livres / Sciences humaines / Psychologie / Ouvrages généraux

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier En rupture de stock** Prix membre : 315,00 $
Prix non-membre : 315,00 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
**Ce produits est en rupture de stock mais sera expédié dès qu'ils sera disponible.


The most widely acclaimed reference series in education and psychology, the Mental Measurements Yearbooks are designed to assist professionals in selecting and using standardized tests. The series, initiated in 1938, provides factual information and critical reviews on the construction, use, and validity of commercially available tests published in English. The objectives of the Mental Measurements Yearbooks include provision to test users of factual information on all known tests published as separates in the English-speaking countries of the world; candidly critical test reviews written for the Mental Measurements Yearbook series by qualified professionals in education, psychology, speech/language/hearing, and other fields representing a variety of viewpoints; unique publication of each volume in the Mental Measurements Yearbook series with new volumes supplementing rather than supplanting previous series volumes. The importance of testing in our everyday lives has never been more vital or pronounced. Recognized worldwide as an essential resource on tests and testing, the Mental Measurements Yearbook series is an indispensable reference for anyone involved in the evaluation, selection, and use of commercially published assessments. The Twentieth Mental Measurements Yearbook continues this long-standing tradition by providing professional reviews of more than 190 new or recently revised tests. This current edition in the Mental Measurements Yearbook series offers evaluations of the latest assessments in education, psychology, business, law, health care, counseling, and management. In addition to test reviews, descriptions of the purpose, target population, administration, scores, price, author, and publisher for all listed tests are provided. Reviews are written by highly qualified professionals with expertise in a range of disciplines. Test entries are cross-referenced and indexed by title, subject, name, acronym, and score. An updated directory of test publishers is also included.

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Livre papier 0 Prix membre : 315,00 $
Prix non-membre : 315,00 $

The Nineteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook

ISBN : 9780910674638
Parution : 2014