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Recherche avancée...

Art of the Possible : A Handbook for Political Activism

Sussman, Amanda

ISBN papier: 9780771083402
Parution : 2007
Code produit : 1131188
Catégorisation : Livres / Sciences humaines / Sciences politiques / Ouvrages généraux

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier En rupture de stock** Prix membre : 20,69 $
Prix non-membre : 22,99 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
**Ce produits est en rupture de stock mais sera expédié dès qu'ils sera disponible.


A political insider tells us how we can make a difference. A must-read for fans of The Rebel Sell and Naomi Klein’s No Logo. What difference can one person make? If I’m not a famous actor, rock star, or multi-millionaire philanthropist, what do I really have to offer? The notion that the government is open only to a few is a myth. In fact, our political system is incredibly accessible, but the misguided belief that people can only participate through elections is threatening our democracy. Democracy is not only for the well-funded, the entrenched, or the few. If we are interested in seeing actual changes to policy, we need more reformers. Rather than rejecting government, The Art of the Possible demonstrates how working through government can be the most direct route to social progress. Having an impact is possible. It is a matter of knowing how government works and making sure your point of view is presented how and when it counts. During her time with the United Nations and Amnesty International, and as human rights adviser to two federal cabinet ministers, Amanda Sussman was offered a unique bird’s-eye view of government machinations. Through extensive interviews with insiders such as Joe Clark and Jack Layton and outsiders such as Alex Neve (Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada), Sussman offers the most comprehensive step-by-step advice on how and when to make the strongest possible argument for your cause.