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Think Like a Manager. Don't Act Like One

Starren, Harry

Éditeur : BIS Publishers
ISBN papier: 9789063693473
Parution : 2016
Code produit : 1450551
Catégorisation : Livres / Gestion / Gestion des ressources humaines / Leadership

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier 1 Prix membre : 19,79 $
Prix non-membre : 21,99 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.


Think Like a Manager, Don't Act Like One offers 75 successful approaches to help you foresee or manage unpredictable situations. These 75 perspectives will add to your confusion - but also your understanding. This collection of approaches may well irritate you from time to time, and possibly inspire you, but really it should make you think. It probably wouldn't be sensible to follow every one of them, but they might give you some fresh ideas. Because those who keep doing what they've always done achieve the results they've always achieved. 'Eager to be more John F Kennedy than David Brent? This quirky management title can help. Think Like a Manager offers 75 successful approaches to help you manage unpredictable situations.' - New Design Magazine Eager to be more John F Kennedy than David Brent? This quirky management title can help. Think Like a Manager offers 75 successful approaches to help you manage unpredictable situations." - New Design Magazine