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Neomercantilists : A Global Intellectual History

Helleiner, Eric

ISBN papier: 9781501760129
Parution : 2021
Code produit : 1449830
Catégorisation : Livres / Gestion / Économie / Ouvrages généraux

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier En rupture de stock** Prix membre : 67,95 $
Prix non-membre : 67,95 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
**Ce produits est en rupture de stock mais sera expédié dès qu'ils sera disponible.


At a time when critiques of free trade policies are gaining currency, The Neomercantilists helps make sense of the protectionist turn, providing the first intellectual history of the genealogy of neomercantilism. Eric Helleiner identifies many pioneers of this ideology between the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries who backed strategic protectionism and other forms of government economic activism to promote state wealth and power. They included not just the famous Friedrich List, but also numerous lesser-known thinkers, many of whom came from outside of the West. Helleiner's novel emphasis on neomercantilism's diverse origins challenges traditional Western-centric understandings of its history. It illuminates neglected local intellectual traditions and international flows of ideas that gave rise to distinctive varieties of the ideology around the globe, including in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia. This rich history left enduring intellectual legacies, including in the two dominant powers of the contemporary world economy: China and the United States. The result is an exceptional study of a set of profoundly influential economic ideas. While rooted in the past, it sheds light on the present moment. The Neomercantilists shows how we might construct more global approaches to the study of international political economy and intellectual history, devoting attention to thinkers from across the world, and to the cross-border circulation of thought.

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Livre papier 0 Prix membre : 27,95 $
Prix non-membre : 27,95 $

State and remergence of global finance from Bretton Woods to 1990

ISBN : 801483336
Parution : 1996