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Recherche avancée...

Web Design. the Evolution of the Digital World 1990-Today

Web Design. the Evolution of the Digital World 1990-Today

Ford, Rob

Éditeur : TASCHEN
ISBN papier: 9783836572675
Parution : 2019
Code produit : 1393849
Catégorisation : Livres / Sciences humaines / Arts et performances artistiques / Livres illustrés / Catalogue d'exposition

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier En rupture de stock** Prix membre : 65,82 $
Prix non-membre : 65,82 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
**Ce produits est en rupture de stock mais sera expédié dès qu'ils sera disponible.


The last three decades have marked an era of technological upheaval as frenetic and groundbreaking as there ever has been. From early desktop computers and mobile phones to virtual reality: the web is now virtually inseparable from all facets of human interaction and daily life. But it wasn’t always funny cat videos and sleek interfaces. This collection is a visual journey through time, gathering the very earliest examples of what we today take for granted: the first website to use surround sound, the first drag-and-drop navigation, the first page-turn effect, the first website to use seamless video integration, the first viral site, the first parallax website, the first ‘upload-your-face’ website, the first site to incorporate a mobile phone, the first ever YouTube-like “website”, and many more.