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Recherche avancée...

English for Writing Research Papers

English for Writing Research Papers

Wallwork, Adrian

ISBN papier: 9783319260921
Parution : 2016
Code produit : 1378292
Catégorisation : Livres / Littérature générale / Dictionnaires et ouvrages de référence / Méthodologie

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier En rupture de stock** Prix membre : 47,25 $
Prix non-membre : 52,50 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
**Ce produits est en rupture de stock mais sera expédié dès qu'ils sera disponible.


Publishing your research in an international journal is key to your success in academia. This guide is based on a study of over 1000 manuscripts and reviewers' reports revealing why papers written by non-native researchers are often rejected due to problems with English usage and poor structure and content. With easy-to-follow rules and tips, and examples taken from published and unpublished papers, you will learn how to: •prepare and structure a manuscript •increase readability and reduce the number of mistakes you make in English by writing concisely, with no redundancy and no ambiguity •write a title and an abstract that will attract attention and be read •decide what to include in the various parts of the paper (Introduction, Methodology, Discussion etc) •highlight your claims and contribution •avoid plagiarism •discuss the limitations of your research •choose the correct tenses and style •satisfy the requirements of editors and reviewers This new edition contains over 40% new material, including two new chapters, stimulating factoids, and discussion points both for self-study and in-class use. EAP teachers will find this book to be a great source of tips for training students, and for preparing both instructive and entertaining lessons. Other books in the series cover: presentations at international conferences; academic correspondence; English grammar, usage and sty= interacting on campus, plus exercise books and a teacher's guide to the whole series. Please visit for a full list of titles in the series. Adrian Wallwork is the author of more than 30 ELT and EAP textbooks. He has trained several thousand PhD students and academics from 35 countries to write research papers, prepare presentations, and communicate with editors, referees and fellow researchers.

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Livre papier 0 Prix membre : 35,96 $
Prix non-membre : 39,95 $

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