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Sensation and Perception : 7th Edition

Goldstein, E. Bruce

ISBN papier: 534558100
Parution : 2006
Code produit : 1024776
Catégorisation : Livres / Sciences humaines / Psychologie / Ouvrages généraux

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Livre papier En rupture de stock** Prix membre : 165,25 $
Prix non-membre : 173,95 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
**Ce produits est en rupture de stock mais sera expédié dès qu'ils sera disponible.


E. Bruce Goldstein's SENSATION AND PERCEPTION, the best-seller which has helped over 150,000 students understand the ties between how we sense the world and how the body interprets these senses, is now in a brilliant full-color Seventh Edition. A key strength of this text has always been the ability to show the student what they are learning through examples and visuals. Now, the book takes this visual learning one step further by using color throughout as a learning tool. As the sole author of the text, Goldstein's singular voice combines with his extensive classroom experience and most innovative research to create a visual text unparalleled in the field. The text walks the student through an intriguing journey of the senses with a mixture of clarity and thoroughness. The accompanying, "Virtual Lab" media exercises (available both on CD-ROM, within the Perception PsychologyNow? student tutorial platform, and in the online WebTutor? Advantage product) offer a wide array of animations and examples designed to stimulate understanding of difficult concepts. Every chapter has been updated for currency and readability, and a new chapter six on Visual Attention rounds off this timely revision.