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Éditeur : Andrii Ponomarenko
ISBN numérique ePub: 9786178289744
Parution : 2023
Catégorisation : Livres numériques / Autre / Autre / Autre.

Formats disponibles

Format Qté. disp. Prix* Commander
Numérique ePub
Protection none***
Illimité Prix : 0,99 $

*Les prix sont en dollars canadien. Taxes et frais de livraison en sus.
***Ce produit est protégé en vertu des droits d'auteurs.


Through his vivid prose and nuanced storytelling, Barbusse delves into the complexities of love, compassion, and vulnerability. The collection offers a range of narratives, from intimate portraits of romantic relationships to examinations of familial bonds and friendships. Barbusse's writing captures the essence of human emotions with a rare sensitivity, delving into the depths of the human soul and shedding light on the tender moments that define our lives. His characters are rendered with depth and authenticity, their struggles and joys resonating with readers on a profound level. "Tenderness" is a testament to Barbusse's mastery of storytelling and his ability to evoke a wide range of emotions in readers. With his insightful exploration of tenderness, Barbusse invites readers to reflect on the intricacies of human connections and the transformative power of love and compassion.